“Why do you want to do this? What’s the purpose?” I was once asked in regards to my desire to become an author.
“It makes me happy,” I replied. I love writing stories. I’ve been creating in my mind for as long as I can remember. I’m grateful to be in a position where I can be creative in my free time. Not everyone has that luxury.
For the past few months I’ve been working hard on the edits to my paranormal romance novel “The Darkness of Day.” I am highly motivated to publish this book by the end of the year. However, I am aware of the limitations I will be faced with. The reality of how book sales go. Marketing is vital and can get expensive. As much as I hope that sales will be high and I could have a nice second income, I know that it could be a flop. All my hard work may only entertain a small group of people. I’m okay with that. Even if one person besides me loves my work, it will be worth it.
Thanks to my editor, I am expanding my novel considerably. "You're writing too safe.” My editor was right. Fear of criticism has always been a problem for me. As I am making changes and re-writing less-than-effective scenes in my book, I realize that I have a much better novel now. One that I am proud of even if it ends up getting scrutinized. I have to believe in myself. I have to trust myself.
The positive reviews I have received from my poetry books keep me motivated to continue writing. My next release “Water Colored World” is scheduled for this month and I am so excited to showcase it! Patty has created some truly gorgeous illustrations. Book cover reveal will be coming soon!